How can I purchase OSHA and EPA Add-ons for my Team?

Purchasing, assigning, and accessing OSHA Training and EPA 608 Certification

How can I purchase an add-on for my team?

Access your Team Dashboard, navigate to the Account tab, and view the Add-ons card.
  1. Select the add-on you want to purchase from the dropdown.
    1. If there are licenses available, this will display the current number available to assign.
  2. Enter the desired quantity to purchase.
  3. Click BUY NOW to complete the purchase.
  4. After the purchase is complete, you will be directed back to the Account tab.
  5. Head to the Command Center tab and assign access keys to individual team members or bulk assign access keys to multiple team members at once. See the next section for detailed instructions.


How can I assign an add-on?

For single assignment:

  1. Navigate to the Command Center on the Team Dashboard. Click on the Third Party Certification Testing card.
  2. Select the desired type from the drop down menu.
  3. Click ASSIGN in the table next to an unassigned key.
  4. Select the member's name from the dropdown list.
  5. Click ADD.

The list in this pop-up includes members of the current group and any subgroups.

Once an access key is assigned, the corresponding course should also be assigned.


 For bulk assignment:
  1. Navigate to the Command Center on the Team Dashboard. Click on the Third Party Certification Testing card.
  2. Select the desired type from the drop down menu.
  3. Click ASSIGN KEYS above the table on the right of the screen.
  4. Select the member's names from the dropdown list. 
  5.  Click CLOSE in the dropdown list.
  6. Review the members names in the table.
  7. Click ASSIGN KEYS.
Once an access key is assigned, the corresponding course should also be assigned.

How can I access the related courses?

You can start or be assigned the courses at any time. If you have not purchased or been assigned the access for the add-on you will not be able to proceed to the link provided inside the course. These courses will display in the My Certification Training section of your Learner Dashboard.


Before proceeding to the external site, you will be required to provide your address and phone number, which is required by the third party organization.

 How can I review training and exam status? 

View progress and results in the third party site linked in the course. 

For details on how an instructor can review results, please review the sections below.


OSHA 10 and 30 Training

We have partnered with CareerSafe®, a best-in-class OSHA training provider, to provide video-based training courses.

The requirements for successful completion of the program are:

  • Pass all CareerSafe® assessments (there is one assessment for each topic listed above) with a grade of at least 70% or higher. This includes a final assessment at the conclusion of the course.
  • Complete the CareerSafe® course within the required timeframe from the course enrollment date.
    • OSHA 10 courses: six (6) months
    • OSHA 30 courses: 180 days
  • Meet the minimum time requirement.
    • OSHA 10 courses: two (2) days with no more than7 ½ hours (450 Minutes) in a single day.
    • OSHA 30 courses:  four (4) days with no more than 7 ½ hours (450 Minutes) in a single day.
  • View and complete all required CareerSafe® course material, including the course survey.
If all these requirements are met, a learner will receive a Federal OSHA Wallet Card. This will ship 15-30 days after a learner has completed the course with a passing score directly to the learner.
Score Reporting
In the Team Member course progress view the percentage represents the number of topics passed by the learner. Anything less than 100% is not a passing score as all sections must be passed to complete the program.
These scores are updated weekly in SkillMill, but a learner can access their scores at any time in CareerSafe®.

EPA Section 608 Training and Certification

EPA Section 608 Certification Course

This exam is for EPA 608 Universal certification which requires a passing score on all four sections of the exam (Core, Type I, II, and III). If a learner passes the Core exam and any other Type section, they will receive a card indicating they are EPA Section 608 certified in the type they have passed. If they pass all four sections, they will receive the Universal certification.
If a learner only passes the Core exam, they are not certified. If they do not pass the Core exam, they will not be certified in any sections regardless of pass/fail in those sections.
If a learner earns a certification, they will receive an EPA Section 608 Wallet Card. This will ship from Interplay Learning to the learner. This will ship 2-4 weeks after a learner has completed the exam with a passing score.
Score Reporting
These scores are updated in real time in SkillMill. A learner can access their scores at any time via the external link in the course for a breakdown of which section they passed or failed.
In the Team Member course progress view the percentage represents the number of sections passed by the learner. Anything less than 100% is not a passing score as all sections must be passed to earn the universal certification. Clicking on the attempt will provide a breakdown of which sections were passed. A result of 100% will display if all four sections are passed in the same attempt.
Screenshot 2024-05-03 211943
In the example above, the learner has passed the Core, Type I, and Type II sections in one attempt. 

Where can I find the courses?

OSHA Courses

EPA Training and Certification Courses


Q: How do I know how many licenses I have available to assign?

A: The Add-on card on the Account page will display the number of available licenses when a type is selected from the dropdown. The Third Party Certification Testing page in the Command Center shows unassigned keys in the table as well as a count-down when bulk assigning keys.

Q: Once a key is assigned can it be reassigned to someone else?
A: No.  Once a key is assigned it cannot be unassigned or reassigned.
Q: Where can I find more information about OSHA or CareerSafe®?
Q: Where can I find more information about EPA Section 608?

Have an individual account and need to purchase add-ons?

Check out this helpful article: How do I purchase the OSHA or EPA Section 608 Training and Certification?