What does the Academy Module Progress report contain?

This report in available only to Administrators utilizing our Academy Product, and gives you a deeper look into module progress during specific time periods.

A "module" refers to the grouping of courses in each Academy.

After you've made your group and time period selections, the Academy Module Report will always contain:

Member Name
The name of the member
Academy Name
The name of the Academy the member is enrolled in
Module Name
The name of the module the member has started or made progress in
Course Name
The course name the user has started or made progress in
Short Name
The course code for the course
% Course Completion
The % of the course the user has completed during the selected time range
Recent Activity Date
Date the user last started or made any progress in a course
Date Started
Date the user started the module
Date Completed
Date the user reached 100% completion in the module