Default Reports
There are 8 default reports available to be downloaded! You can select the specific dates you want (including custom ranges), as well as the group(s) you're looking to learn more about. You can also select to have deactivated members included in the report.
There are 8 reports available for you to download:

This is where you will start after clicking "Reports".

You will have options to choose what groups you want to be included in your report and which time frame is most important to you.
You can select all users, only the group you're in, or select specific subgroups to include in the report.

Creating a Recurring Report
You can also make most reports recurring, so they will be created and delivered to you at the intervals you want. To do this, check the box next to the Download button that says Set as recurring and download.

This modal will appear after checking the box. Simply select the time frame, frequency, and the next creation date.
Create a Custom Report
If you need more detailed information than what our default reports provide, each default report comes with a set of additional columns that are pertinent to the data included in the report.

Similar to Default reports, you can make selections based on the user group(s) you want to be included and the time frame. You can also choose to include deactivated members and set your custom report as a recurring report.

To create a custom report, you will need to select the default report you want to start with, and then begin your customization.

You can select from any of the default reports.

Once you select a default report, you will be shown a preview of the report. This is fake data that will help you visualize exactly what your custom report will look like. As you add columns, they will be added to the right-hand side of the table.