Installing LTI Advantage through the Schoology App Center

In this article we are going to go over what it looks like to install our LTI Advantage Integration through the Schoology App Center!

Hello, Dear Readers! We are so happy to announce that we've been accepted into the Schoology App Center! This means getting you set up with LTI Advantage is faster than ever! Let's dive in! 

Video gif. Actor and rapper Drake screams "Let's go!" in a crowd of people and photographers.


First, please log in to your Schoology instance with your administrator credentials before visiting this link to arrive at the installation page for the Interplay Learning LTI Integration!

Once you've navigated to the link above, you'll see a screen like the one pictured below, please press "Install LTI 1.3 app" 

You will need to press "add to organization" 

"During this "Install/Remove" step, you'll be given a window like below, which will ask you to select courses.

Select All Courses to install Interplay Learning for all courses or leave this box unchecked if you will be installing it only in select courses.

Share Your Schoology Deployment ID information with us

  • After you have finished installing the app. Go back to your App Center and click on “Configure”. Copy your unique Deployment ID. You’ll need to send this to our support team in order to complete your configuration.  
  • Email the following information to :
    • Subject Line: “Schoology LTIA Deployment ID”
    • Body: Please include your company name, your contact info, and your Deployment ID 
  • We will be in touch with you to set a date for deployment and will confirm once the LTI Advantage integration is live.

For more information about installing the Interplay Learning app, please reach out to your Account Manager or

Now that we've installed the LTI, let's add content!

1. In the Materials area, select Add Materials. 

2. Select Interplay Learning

If you do not see Interplay Learning, reach out to your Schoology Admin to ensure the application has been installed for your course. 

This will open up the Interplay Learning catalog where you can select the subject you are interested in. 

You can search or filter the courses from this view.

Enter your search or filter criteria and select “Apply”. You can also clear all filters by selecting “Clear”. 

To return to the main catalog selection screen at any time, use the “breadcrumbs” area at the top and select “Catalog” 

Select a course from the list. It will open up additional information about the course including the course description and expected duration of the full course (including all lessons). 

From here, you can select to include a link to the full course or just to an individual chapter.

Select the link under “Course Link” to include a link to the full course. Select a link under “Chapter Links” to include a link to a single individual chapter. 

Once you have selected your course or chapter, it will be added to your Schoology course. If you wish to edit the title, you can.

Below is what your module should look like after you've selected your course or chapter. 



During this process, please keep in mind: Do not click "Enable Grading" 

It is very important that you do NOT select the “enable grading” option for Interplay Learning links. This will create duplicate Gradebook entries.

Instead, you should click on the link once as the instructor, this will create the gradebook column.

If you forget, the column will still be created the first time a student clicks on the content link, but you will no longer be able to edit the grading settings.



Please follow the steps below to enable your grading setup.

Do not click "Enable grading" when connecting your courses. 

  1. In “Grade Setup” the “Weight Categories” option should be selected and a default category should be set.
  2. The Interplay Learning content links will be added to the default category. 


Additionally, if you select the default category itself, the "Calculated by" option should be set to "Total pts."

 If you'd like to read more on how grading works when using our LTI through your LMS, please read this article here! Thank you so much, as always for taking the time to read our articles! We hope this information helps you in your learning journey! Happy Season 17 GIF by America's Got Talent